Your Library On The Go
Life can be busy! So we make it easy to borrow eBooks, audiobooks, movies, TV shows, magazines and more anywhere, anytime through streaming, downloads and digital apps. All you need is your library card and internet access. Need tech tips? Our Techsperts can guide you. Contact them directly at or call 740.349.5509.
eBooks and Audiobooks
To browse our collections, visit The Ohio Digital Library.
App Options:
Libby - Find eBooks and audiobooks for all ages. With a selection of over two million titles to explore, there's something for everyone.
Hoopla - Borrow and stream movies, music, read-alongs, comics, audiobooks, eBooks and TV shows to enjoy on most devices. Titles can be streamed or downloaded to your device for offline enjoyment.
BiblioBoard - Download and support Licking County self-published authors, award-winning Indie Author Project Select titles and more!
To browse our collections, visit The Ohio Digital Library.
App Option:
Libby - Find eBooks and audiobooks for all ages. With a selection of over two million titles to explore, there's something for everyone.
Streaming Media
App Option:
Hoopla - Borrow and stream movies, music, read-alongs, comics, audiobooks, eBooks and TV shows to enjoy on most devices. Titles can be streamed or downloaded to your device for offline enjoyment.